The Framework Used in All-on-Four Systems
Şeyma YAVUZa , Zeynep ŞAHİNa
aLokman Hekim University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Ankara, Türkiye
Yavuz Ş, Şahin Z. The framework used in all-on-four systems. In: Karaağaçlıoğlu L, ed. Current Information on Implant Supported Prostheses. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.26-34.
The All-on-Four system is one of the rehabilitation systems utilised in the treatment of edentulous patients. This review discusses the literature on framework materials for all-on-four systems. The keywords ”all on four”, ”all-on-four”, ”all on 4”, ”all-on-4”, ”prosthetic framework”, ”PEEK” and ”framework” and various combinations of these keywords were used in searches on Pubmed, Google Scholar and Cochrane Library from 2013 to 2023. The All-on-Four systems’ framework materials are critical to the success of the prosthesis, the strength of the material, the amount of the force transferred to the bone, the reaction of the transferred force in the biological tissue and the accumulation of stresses. While the framework material PEEK is known for its superior elasticity and flexibility, zirconia has been observed to result in comparatively less bone loss in the peri-implant collar. These data provide clinicians the opportunity to make evidence-based decisions when selecting framework materials for All-on-Four systems.
Keywords: Dental implants; dental prosthesis, implant-supported; polyetheretherketone
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