The Management of Gastrointestinal System Cancers

N. Faruk AYKANa, Tahsin ÖZATLIa

aİstinye Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Bahçeşehir Liv Hospital, Tıbbi Onkoloji BD, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE

Aykan NF, Özatlı T. Gastrointestinal sistem kanserlerinde yönetim. Işık AT, Karaoğlu A, editörler. Geriatrik Onkoloji. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2020. p.70-6.

As with other solid tumors, comprehensive geriatric assessment should be performed before the treatment of GI system cancers. Chronological age alone is not a contraindication to treatment. Physiological age and performance status are more important. Healthy elderly patients without comorbidity benefit from treatment as much as young people. In patients with comorbidity, the dose may be reduced or a single agent may be preferred for cytotoxic treatments. In these cases, side effect monitoring and management gains importance. This section summarizes the characteristics of management and treatment of digestive system cancers in the elderly population.
Keywords: Gastrointestinal neoplasms; digestive system neoplasms; esophageal neoplasms; stomach neoplasms; colorectal neoplasms; liver neoplasms; pancreatic cancer, adult; geriatrics


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