The Role of Older Adults in Psychological Recovery After Natural Disasters
Cemil YAVUZa , Selman BÖLÜKBAŞIb , Nil TEKİNc
aMuğla Sıtkı Koçman University Fethiye Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Muğla, Türkiye
bManisa Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services, Elderly Services Unit, Manisa, Türkiye
cUniversity of Health Sciences İzmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, Department of Family Medicine, Home Health Care Unit, İzmir, Türkiye
As the elderly population continues to grow worldwide, there is an increasing exposure to natural and technological disasters. Natural disasters pose significant challenges for the elderly, just as they do for all age groups. Older adults are often defined as a vulnerable group in disaster research due to the adverse effects of disasters. However, older adults can be a valuable resource in the disaster management process, contributing through their life experience and risk perception. This resource can be a part of the solution in potential crises. Therefore, it is important to involve the elderly in the planning and decision-making processes related to emergency events and disaster management. Their prior experience with past crises can transform them into personal resilience models, sources of inspiration, and practical knowledge. Through the services and support they provide to the community, they can be significant actors in promoting psychological well-being.
Keywords: Aged; natural disasters; life change events; social welfare; psychosocial support systems
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