The Role of Vertebral Augmentation in Pathologic Vertebral Compression Fractures

Andre UFLACKERa , Ricardo YAMADAa , David Thor JOHNSONa
aMedical University of South Carolina, Department of Radiology, Division of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Uflacker A, Yamada R, Johnson DT. The role of vertebral augmentation in pathologic vertebral compression fractures. In: Üstünsöz B, ed. Pain Management in Interventional Radiology. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.31-9.

While advances in cancer treatment today provide increased survival, complications related to cancer progression are becoming more common. Skeletal metastases, which frequently involve the spine, are becoming more prevalent, and can cause severe morbidity in advanced cancer patients. Vertebral Augmentation (VA) is a minimally invasive procedure that can restore structural integrity to the spine and significantly alleviate pain. The purpose of this review is to introduce VA techniques, indications, and the data available in the literature.

Keywords: Fractures, spontaneous; fractures, compression; osteoporotic fractures


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