The State of the Art of Graphene in Restorative Dental Sciences

Ekin YAYa , Mutlu ÖZCANb

aPrivate Dentist, İstanbul, Türkiye
bZurich University Center for Dental Medicine, Clinic of Masticatory Disorders and Dental Biomaterials, Zurich, Switzerland

Yay E, Özcan M. The state of the art of graphene in restorative dental sciences. Özcan M, Toygar H, eds. Graphene in Dentistry. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2023. p.37-40.

This article explores the emerging role of graphene in restorative dentistry and prosthetics. Graphene’s exceptional mechanical, electrical, and biocompatible properties offer novel opportunities for enhancing the strength, durability, and functionality of dental prostheses and restorations. Through an analysis of recent research and developments, this article highlights the potential benefits and challenges associated with integrating graphene into dental materials, including resin-based adhesives and prosthetic frameworks. While the practical implementation of graphene-enhanced solutions requires further investigation since its potential to revolutionize restorative dentistry by creating longer-lasting, aesthetically pleasing, and clinically effective dental prostheses is promising.
Keywords: Graphite; prosthodontics; dentistry; graphene oxide


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