The Therapeutic Effect of Ozone and/or Prolotherapy on the Free Oxygen Radicals
aDokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosurgery, İzmir, Türkiye
Karabekir S. The therapeutic effect of ozone and/or prolotherapy on the free oxygen radicals. In: Koçdor H, Pabuççuoğlu A, Zihnioğlu F, eds. Inflammation and in vitro Diagnostics. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.180-9.
Article Language: EN
Investigating the role of ozone therapy and prolotherapy, which are complementary medicine applications as current treatment approaches on free oxygen radicals is extremely significant in the neurosurgical clinic. Ozone (O3) is a gaseous nonradical molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms and is a colorless, pungent odorous molecule that is more unstable than oxygen. The basic logic of ozone therapy, which is one of the regenerative medicine technique, is the development of living tissues that will replace and repair damaged tissues. The other traditional medicine method called as prolotherapy, is to important for improve neurological system and also body health promotion, improve functional capacity of body and reduce pain. Prolotherapy is a medical injection treatment and the injected solution consists of natural sugar or salt water. The body perceives this solution as harmful and sends cells to the injection site that initiate the natural healing process. Prolotherapy injection mimics the natural tissue healing process via strengthening ligaments and tendon structures by stimulating the three phases of tissue healing, namely inflammation, proliferation and tissue regeneration.
Keywords: Free oxygen radicals; ozone therapy; prolotherapy
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