Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Elderly

Zeynep Güneş ÖZÜNALa

aAtlas University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Pharmacology, İstanbul, Türkiye

Özünal ZG. Therapeutic drug monitoring in the elderly. In: Uluoğlu C, ed. Geriatric Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2023. p.41-4.

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is a strategy to guide a dosing regimen by measuring drug concentration. The decision of a TDM order, the preanalytical phase, analysis, interpretation, and adjustment of pharmacotherapy are sequential processes in TDM. Amikacin, amisulpride, carbamazepine, citalopram, clomipramine, cyclosporin, desipramine, digoxin, everolimus, fluphenazine, gentamycin, haloperidol, imipramine, lithium, methotrexate, nortriptyline, olanzapine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, tacrolimus, valproic acid, and vancomycin are among the recommended medications for TDM. Despite some limitations, TDM can contribute to safe and effective pharmacotherapy for the elderly and has promising future prospects.
Keywords: Drug monitoring; the elderly; precision medicine; digoxin; aminoglycosides; tacrolimus


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