Titanium Base Abutment
Ece ERSÖZa , Nazire Esra ÖZERa , Gökhan ÇİÇEKCİb
aLokman Hekim University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Ankara, Türkiye
bPrivate Dentist, Ankara, Türkiye
Ersöz E, Özer NE, Çiçekci G. Titanium base abutment. In: Karaağaçlıoğlu L, ed. Current Information on Implant Supported Prostheses. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.8-15.
Abutments are structures that are considered as the basic component of an implant fixed prosthetic restoration and can be manufactured using different techniques and materials. Especially for dental implants, CAD/CAM systems, which focus on a practical and digital workflow for the patient, have surpassed conventional prosthesis manufacturing procedures. Titanium base (ti-base) abutments are widely utilized in modern prosthodontics to combine the benefits of a titanium-to-titanium connection and the aesthetics of a tooth-colored abutment. This review’s objective is to present extensive information on the materials that are available, their mechanical and surface characteristics, misfit and torque loss, cementation techniques, and their clinical performance for titanium-based abutments. Ti-base abutments provide an acceptable fracture strength, satisfactory retention values, particularly when used with resin cement, and good marginal and internal compatibility, according to in vitro studies. Although ti-base abutments were subjected to limited clinical investigation, short-term research has revealed that they perform on par with standard abutments. Ti-base abutments are a treatment option that may be used to restore dental implants.
Keywords: Titanium base; abutment; hybrid abutment; custom abutment; dental implants; prosthodontics
Kaynak Göster
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