Treatment Complications of After Pediatric Patellofemoral Surgery

Mehmet ÇAVUŞa , Bertan CENGİZa , Sinan KARAOĞLUa

aAcıbadem Kayseri Hospital, Clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Kayseri, Türkiye

Çavuş M, Cengiz B, Karaoğlu S. Treatment complications of after pediatric patellofemoral surgery. In: Kalenderer Ö, İnan M, eds. Pediatric Orthopedics Complications and Management. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2024. p.154-7.

Patellofemoral disorders can significantly impact the quality of life and physical activity of pediatric patients. Although conservative treatments are usually successful. Pediatric patellofemoral surgery is a valuable treatment option for children with refractory patellofemoral disorders. However, it is important to recognize and manage potential complications that may arise. Healthcare providers should educate parents and caregivers about the possible complications, closely monitor post-operative progress, and tailor rehabilitation programs to each child’s specific needs. The potential complications; infection, joint stiffness, patellar instability, persistent pain, growth plate complications, scar tissue formation, medial instability, other complications and solutions.
Keywords: Patellofemoral joint; patellar dislocation; patella


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