Use of Drug Coated Balloons in Bifurcation Lesions
Dr. Ezgi Polat Ocaklı
Ankara Etlik City Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Ankara, Türkiye
Percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) for coronary bifurcation lesions are often complex and associat- ed with unsatisfactory results. Provisional side branch (SB) stenting technique is recommended for coronary bifurcation lesions (CBLs), but some complications related to main branch (MB) stenting may occur. In com- plex CBLs, MB and SB stenting techniques (dual stenting technique) are used respectively, and it is seen that this technique does not always give better results than provisional stenting in the long term. Considering the weaknesses of these techniques, drug coated balloons (DCB) are emerging as a new and alternative therapy in the treatment of coronary bifurcations as they simplify the procedure and reduce the rates of stent-related complications.
Keywords: Percutaneous coronary intervention; Coronary artery disease; Drug-eluting balloon; In-stent restenosis
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